2025 Selectors Information
- Selection Committees and Panels fall under Part H BHA By-Laws and 11 Representative Program of the BHA Competition Rules and Requirements.
- A panel of selectors is formed to ensure a fair and transparent process is followed when selecting Brisbane representative teams.
- Selectors can not be Coaches and Coaches can not be Selectors in the same age group.
- Selectors will meet with BHA Rep Director and Coaches before trials for a briefing and chat with coaches. Coaches will be given a chance to talk with selectors before and after trials to give their thoughts on the team as per Part H of BHA By-Laws.
- Selectors will be asked to sign and abide by a Code of Conduct for Selectors
- Selectors must not nominate for an age division where a conflict of interest may arise as deemed by management.
See the information below on all age groups......
U12 Coulter Shield Teams
4 weeks of trials will be held in May/June 2025 at the grass fields at the State Hockey Centre to select the Brisbane Coulters Shield teams.
This would be ideal for older teenagers wanting to get into coaching and representative hockey as they will be supervised by an experienced adult.
The Head Selector will be asked to organise the trials with drills/skills and games with the assistance of the Coaches. All selectors will meet with BHA Rep Director before trials.
U14 Brisbane Teams
4 weeks of trials will be held in May at the State Hockey Centre with week 4 being the Coulter Shield to be held at Sunshine HA. Selectors are required to attend the Coulter Shield as this is part of the trial process. Selectors will not be selecting Coulter Shield teams, players will attend this as squads.
U16 Brisbane Teams
4 weeks of trials will be held in July/August at the State Hockey Centre. U16 will not be attending the U16 Couler Shield in 2025.
U18 Brisbane Teams
This appointment lasts for 3 years. Should you wish to nominate please make sure you put your experience into the "things you would like us to know" sections of the nominations. 1 new selector is appointed every year as per Part H of the BHA By-Laws. 4 weeks of trials will take place in February/March at the State Hockey Centre.
Opens/U21 Teams
This appointment lasts for 3 years. Should you wish to nominate please make sure you put your experience into the "things you would like us to know" sections of the nominations. 1 new selector is appointed every year as per Part H of the BHA By-Laws. 4 weeks of trials will take place in February/March at the State Hockey Centre.
To be considered as a Selector in the 2025 Brisbane Rep Season - NOMINATE HERE!